It is a very long time since we held an event that involved customer participation so we have come up with this idea that will allow all customers across the country to take part and possibly become the first ever ETCL Bake Off Champion.

You might have some questions about this and hopefully these will be answered here.

”What is a Buttery?”
A unique breakfast item associated with Aberdeen and the north-east of Scotland that, until recently, virtually unheard of elsewhere.

The buttery has a distinctive crispy, flaky, flattened structure and a pronounced buttery, salty taste and its crisp shortness is balanced with a chewy elasticity.
More information can be found

“Why CHALLENGE 2024?”
Many years ago we had a series of challenges including several gold and ten-pin bowling challenges. These were really only accessible to the customers in the local area so we thought it would be a good idea to have something that all customers could be part of.

“Why baking?”
Over the last few years many people had a chance to try baking for the first time and now we have a nation of would-be baking champions. This is your chance to show off your skills and be a champion.

“How do I enter?”
The entry form can be found at

If you have any further questions of suggestions please get in touch



  1. The competition is the ETCL Challenge 2024 Bake Off. The organisers of the competition are Task Computer Logic Limited (ETCL)
  2. The competition will be held in 2024.
  3. Competitors must supply their own ingredients
  4. The butteries are to be tasted and therefore it is important that ingredients and equipment is stored and used appropriately, thus complying with Food Safety Act and Food Hygiene Regulations.
  5. Competitors must use a traditional recipe. More information about butteries along with our suggested recipe and instructions can be found at
  6. Competitors will be required to supply at least 3 pictures of the baking process
    a. The packaged ingredients to be used.
    b. The raw butteries ready to go into the over on the tray.
    c. The baked butteries on the tray after they come out of the oven.
  7. Competitors must send at least 6 butteries to the address below in order that they can be judged.
  8. Competitors must be employed by a company that is a registered ETCL client.


  1. A panel of judges will be selected by ETCL
  2. Judging will be done as a blind tasting so that judges do not know which competitor produced each entry. Each entry will be awarded points between one and ten by each judge for appearance, texture and taste.
  3. The entry with the highest score will be declared the winner. The decision of the judging panel is final.


  1. The winner will receive the ETCL Challenge trophy, a gift voucher and a certificate.
  2. The first and second runners up will receive a certificate.
  3. Applications can be made online at

Any correspondance can be sent by email to and entries should be posted first class to ETCL Challenge 2024, Glenmore House, Summer Place, Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 7EJ.