TASKMASTER Sales & Purchase Order Processing with Stock Control

The TASKMASTER Sales & Purchase Ordering modules are at the heart of the Taskmaster system combined with a fully integrated warehouse and stock management tool. Helping your business to efficiently meet customer demands, it manages Stock levels, gives up to date real time stock information including customer specific pricing, expected supplier delivery dates, order history and much more. Warehouse staff can access and input data across a wide range of handheld devices. All information can also be accessed via customised TASKMASTER Dashboard options.

As your sales team create and take orders, they will have a wealth of information to hand including order history, previous and current pricing, alternate stock options etc. If there is no stock for a specific item, the system will link to the Purchase Ordering module to create a Purchase Order with a required delivery date and allocate that stock to a specific customer when it arrives in the warehouse. Purchase ordering staff can monitor stock levels, respond to special demands, track trends in product demand and ensure levels of stock are maintained.

TASKMASTER has a range of features designed to make order processing and stock control efficient and easy to use.
- Customer , Stock & Supplier master information
- Multiple stock locations, bin numbers, bay numbers
- Order status and previous order history
- Quotations converted to actual orders
- Credit Control
- Back to back orders with automatic allocation from purchase order to sales order
- Multiple delivery addresses

- Direct delivery from Supplier to Customer
- Range of stationery / email options inc picking lists, delivery notes, invoices
- Van run optimisation for efficient routing of deliveries
- Automatic stock allocation to orders on receipt of goods
- Pricing matrices across quantities, customer specific, product ranges, specials
- Full range of analysis reports and enquiries